BDS, Paramedical, Management, BEd Admission @ Vinayaka Missions University (VMU)
Vinayaka Missions University (VMU) offers courses ranging from medicine, paramedicine, engineering and technology to management. The University main campus in Salem is truly a scenic marvel surrounded by mountains and a hallmark of the city.

Institute: Vinayaka Missions University (VMU)
Programmes: BDS, BHMS, BSc(N), BPT, PBBSc(N), BPharm, BASLP, BOpt, BOT, BE, ME, MBA, MCA, BEd
- A Pass in 10 + 2/HSC/CBSE/Intermediate/PDE/ Equivalent
- Must have passes the qualifying examination with subjects Physics, Chemistry,Biology (or Botany & Zoology) and English individually and must have obtained a minimum average of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Botany & Zoology).
- For SC/ST/OBC this minimum aggregate mark taken together is 40% inlieu of 50%
- Candiate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
- A Pass in 10+2 / HSC / CBSE / Intermediate / PDE / Equivalent
- Must have passed the qualifying examination with subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology or (Botany or Zoology) individually.
- Candidate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
BSc (Nursing)
- A Pass in 10 + 2 / HSC / CBSE / Intermediate / PDE / Equivalent
- Must have passed the qualifying examination with subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology or (Botany & Zoology) and English and must have obtained average of 45% taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or (Botany & Zoology) and English. Further 5% relaxation is permitted to be SC/ST Students.
- Candiate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
- A pass in 10+2 / HSC / CBSE /Intermediate / PDE / Equivalent
- Must have passed the qualifying examination with subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology or(Botany or Zoology) individually.
- Candiate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
Post Basic BSc (Nusing) - A Pass in Diploma in Nursing with 1 year experience
BPharm -
- A Pass in 10 + 2 / HSC / CBSE / Intermediate / PDE / Equivalent
- Must have passed the qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or (Botany & Zoology) or Mathematics and English individually and must have obtained marks as per the Pharmacy Council Norms and regulations.
- Candidate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
BASLP, BOpt - A pass in 10+2 with Physics and Maths or Physics and Biology / Mathematics / Biology / Chemistry / Computer Science. Age Limit - 17-25 years. For SC & ST 17-27 years
BOT - A pass in 10+2 with Physics,Chemistry and Biology. Age Limit - 17-25 years. For SC & ST 17-27 years
BE - A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with individual pass in English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Candidate shall complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of admission.
ME - BE / (ECE / EEE / EIE / ICE / Bio Medical / Instrumentation / AMIE)
MBA - A Pass in any Degree programme
MCA - A pass in BCA / B.Sc (CS) / B.Sc (IT), BCom with CS
BEd - Any Bachelors Degree with 45% marks from a recognized University
How to apply:
Click here to download application form for BHMS, BSc(N), BPT, PBBSc(N), BPharm, BASLP, BOpt, BOT
Click here to download application form for BDS
Click here to download application form for BEd
Click here to download application form for BE, ME, MBA, MCA
Application form can be obtained by sending a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Vinayaka Missions University, payable at Salem along with a requisition giving complete address and name of the programme or in person by paying cash at the addresses mentioned below.
Cost of application form:
- BDS - Rs.1100/- (in person) & Rs.1200/- (by post)
- BHMS, BSc(N), BPT, PBBSc(N), BPharm, BASLP, BOpt, BOT, BEd - Rs.500/- (in person) & Rs.600/- (by post)
- BE, ME, MBA, MCA - Rs.350/- (in person) & Rs.450/- (by post)
Important dates:
- Application deadline - May 10, 2012 (except BEd)
- Application deadline for BEd - July 5, 2012
Date of entrance exam:
- BDS - May 18, 2012
- BHMS, BSc(N), BPT, PBBSc(N), BPharm, BASLP, BOpt, BOT, BE, ME, MBA, MCA - May 19, 2012
- BEd - July 14, 2012
Click here to view details
Vinayaka Missions University
15, Bank Street, Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600010, Tamilnadu
Vinayaka Missions University
15, Bank Street, Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600010, Tamilnadu
Phone: 044-26451002, 42989000/6
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