Admission to Post Graduate Couress: Andhra University Common Entrance Test (AUCET )2012
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for admission into the UG / PG courses at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and Dr. B. R Ambedkar University, Srikakulam Etcherla Campuses and affiliated Colleges through AUCET – 2012 for the Academic Year 2012 – 2013. Candidates who have passed or are appearing for the final year examination in qualifying degree can apply for admission into the following courses.
Programs at Andhra University (Through Entrance):
Application forms with information brochure can be had from:
Filled in applications should be submitted with necessary enclosures to The Director, AUCET – 2012 office of the Directorate of Admissions, Vijayanagar Palace, Lawson’s Bay Colony (PO), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam – 17
Important Dates:
Director, Directorate of Admissions,
Vijayanagar Palace, Lawson’s Bay Colony(PO),
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 17.
Tel: 0891-2573441 & 2706928
- M.Sc. Biochemistry
- M.Sc. Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Environmental Sciences
- M.Sc. Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics
- M.Sc. Botany
- M.Sc. Horticulture & Landscape Management
- M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
- M.Sc. Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
- M.Sc. Analysis of Foods, Drugs and water
- M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
- M.Sc. Marine Chemistry
- M.Sc. Nuclear Chemistry
- M.Sc. Physical Chemistry
- M.Sc. Applied Chemistry
- M.Sc. Computer Science and Statistics
- M.Sc. (Tech) (3 years) Electronics & Instrumentation
- M.Sc. (Tech) VLSI Design, DSP & ESD
- M.Sc. Food, Nutrition Drugs and Water
- M.Sc. Geography – B.A (Stream)
- M.Sc. Geography – B.Sc. (Stream)
- M.Sc. Geology
- M.Sc. Marine Geology
- M.Sc. Human Genetics
- M.Sc. Marine Biology
- M.Sc. Human Genetics
- M.Sc. Coastal Aquaculture & Marine Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Marine Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Applied Mathematics
- M.A. / M.Sc. Mathematics
- M.Sc. Microbiology
- M.Sc. Physics
- M.Sc. Space Physics
- M.Sc. Nuclear Physics
- M.Sc. Meterology
- M.Sc. Physical Oceanography
- M.Sc. (Tech.) (3 years): Geophysics
- M.Sc. Hydrology
- M.Sc. Statistics
- M.Sc. Zoology
- M.Sc. Anthropology
- M.Sc. Fishery Science
- M.Sc. Computer Science
- M.Com
- M.A. Applied Economics
- M.A. Economics
- M.A. Adult & Continuing education
- M.A. English
- B.F.A
- M.A. Hindi
- M.A. Ancient History & Archeology
- M.A. History
- M.H.R.M
- M.A. Human Rights & Duties
- M.J.M.C
- M.L.I.Sc
- M.Ed
- M.A. Philosophy
- M.A. Political Science
- M.A. Public Administration
- M.A. Psychology
- M.A. Sanskrit
- M.A. Social Work
- M.A. Anthropology
- M.A. Sociology
- M.A. Telugu
- M.P.Ed
- M.S. Applied Chemistry
- M.S. Geology, M.S. Economics
- M.Tech.: Atmospheric Science
- M.Tech. Ocean Sciences
- M.Tech. Petroleum Exploration
- M.A.: Music
- M.A. Dance
- M.Sc. / M.A. Quantitative Economics
- M.Sc. Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
- M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
- M.Sc. Physics
- M.A. / M.Sc. Mathematics
- M.Sc. Tech.: Geology / Geophysics
- M.A.: Economics
- M.A. English
- M.A. Social Work
- M.A. Telugu
- M.A. Rural Development
- B.Ed. Special Education (Mental Retardation)
- M.Com
- MLISc.
- M.Ed.
Application forms with information brochure can be had from:
- The Principals of (i) AU College of Science & Technology (ii) AU College of Arts & Commerce (iii) AU College of Engineering (A) (iv) AU Study Center, Govt. College (Men), Srikakulam (v) AUMS Naiker P.G. Center, Kakinada (vi) AU Study Center, Govt. College (A) Rajahmundry, (vii) AU Study Center. Sir CRR College (A), Eluru (Viii) AU Study Center. Satavahana College, Seetarampuram Vijayawada (ix) AU Study Center, A.C. College, Guntur.
- The Registrar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam, Etcherla on payment of Rs. 300/-
Filled in applications should be submitted with necessary enclosures to The Director, AUCET – 2012 office of the Directorate of Admissions, Vijayanagar Palace, Lawson’s Bay Colony (PO), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam – 17
Important Dates:
- Commencement of Sale of Application Forms: 29/02/2012
- Last Date for Submission of Application Forms without Fine: 30/03/2012
- Last Date for Submission of Application Forms with Fine of Rs. 500/-: 11/04/2012
- Last Date for Sale & Submission of Application Forms with Fine of Rs. 1,000/-: 18/04/2012
- Commencement of Entrance Tests (Tentative): 26/04/2012
Director, Directorate of Admissions,
Vijayanagar Palace, Lawson’s Bay Colony(PO),
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 17.
Tel: 0891-2573441 & 2706928
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