7,19,840 Applications for Police Jobs in Telangana, Exams@August!

Important Highlights:
- Total number of 7,19,840 Applications have been received at the conclusion of the process, last midnight, which is only marginally (6%) lesser than the number received during the recruitment processes during 2015-16
- 4,79,166 Applications have been received for the Posts of SCT PC Civil and / or equivalent
- 1,88,715 Applications have been received for the Posts of SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent. As many as 2,396 more Candidates applied this time for the Posts of SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent when compared to the last recruitment process pertaining to the year 2016
- 13,944 Applications have been received for the Post of SCT SI (IT & C) and 14,986 Applications have been received for the Post of SCT PC (IT & C)
- 7,700 Applications have been received for the Post of SCT ASI Civil FPB
- 13,458 Applications have been received for the Post of SCT PC Driver and 1,871 Applications have been received for the Post of SCT PC Mechanic
- All these 22 days, Phone-Helpline was made available from 8 am to 8 pm. Besides, Written Complaints were taken from the aspirant Candidates and of the 21,201 Complaints received, all the relevant Complaints aggregating to 21,130 (99.66 % of the Complaints received) have been given suitable replies
- 1,15,653 Applications which comprise of 16% of the total Applications have been received from Women Candidates
- Erstwhile District of Nalgonda contributed the highest number of Applicants for all the Posts except SCT PC Driver and SCT PC Mechanic (erstwhile RR District contributed the highest for these 2 Posts)
- Of those who applied for these 4 Notifications, 1,41,420 Candidates applied for 2 Posts, 11,565 applied for 3 Posts, 4,294 applied for 4 Posts, 1,525 applied for 5 Posts, 149 applied for 6 Posts and 88 Candidates applied for 7 Posts. All these 1,59,041 Candidates who applied for more than 1 Post were given the rebate that is due to them on account of the saving obtained because of the conduct of a common Physical Measurement Test / Physical Efficiency Test
- More than half (51 %) of the total 7,19,840 Applications were received in the last 6 days – from 25th to 30th June whereas only 49% of the total Applications were received during the initial 16 days
- Highest number of Applications on a day were received on 29th June: 75,516
- Nearly 78% of the Applicants opted for Telugu as the Medium of Examination for the Aptitude Test (wherever it is permissible to have the examination in Telugu or English or Urdu), more than 21% opted for English and only 0.22% of the Candidates opted for Urdu
- Of all the applied Candidates, 9.5% are in the Open Category, 21% belong to Scheduled Castes, 17% are from Scheduled Tribes and the rest 52% represent the Backward Classes
- 10,527 Ex-Service Personnel applied
- During these 22 days of receiving Online Applications, the web-based Application has functioned most satisfactorily and there were only 2 instances where maintenance had to be done for a few minutes, without causing any disruption to the ongoing process of Online Applications
Tentative Dates of Preliminary Written Test:
Preliminary Written Tests for (a) SCT SI and / or equivalent Posts, (b) SCT SI IT&C,
(c) SCT ASI FPB and (d) SCT PC and / or equivalent Posts will be conducted from late August
onwards on specific dates to be announced shortly
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